A Course titled: “Explanation of Disciplinary Regulations”

Under the guidance of the Dean of College of Science and Humanities in Ghat, Dr. Omer bin Mohammed AlOmar , the Unit of Student Support held a course titled: “Explanation of the Disciplinary Regulations” on Monday 4/3/1440 AH.
Presented by Mr. Mahmoud Obidat, the course provided a detailed explanation of the disciplinary regulations including all acts that are deemed a violation of the regulation's provisions.
All disciplinary actions were elaborated from the moment a student violates the regulation and until he/she is disciplined by the Vice-Rector’s Office for Educational Affairs.
The students’ inquires were answered in this regard.
The college Dean Dr. Omar Al Omer expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Unit of Student Support for conducting such a training course that develop the students' academic skills.

Last modified
Tuesday, 22/January/2019