A project of printing and publishing a book entitled “Management of Change- Bases and Theoretical Premises” was signed between Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Zeiber and Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Al-Shaye, vice-rector of Graduate Studies and Research at Majmaah University. The Director of the Publishing Center Dr. Ahmad Muhammad Salim pointed out that the book fulfilled all required documents and forms for publishing. The book discusses the process of managing change, its philosophical and intellectual dimensions in a clear and simple style. It also touches upon the work activities in an organization. The book is 270 pages long with seven chapters included in two sections. The first section addresses the modern administration and its theories, and the second deals with the process of managing change in modern organizations and its essential requirements. Management of change at work and its relationship with the creative leadership in addition to its role in the development of information technology emerge as a main theme in the second section of the book as well. The book concludes with a discussion of the most important modern applications of change management. Dr. Al-Zeiber is an associate-professor of educational management at the Faculty of Education at Majmaah University. He has published a number of research papers and books such as “Administrative Behavior of School Principals”, co-authored with a number few experts in educational Management and Planning in addition to papers and studies published and sponsored at the national and international levels.