Training Center
Training Center in the E-learning Deanship seeks to form a specialized training strategy in the field of e-learning applications at Majmaah University. So, it provides periodical training plan primarily specified for faculty members and students.
Training Center sets two strategic plans:
First permanent strategic plan:
Training Center seeks to draw up a training plan for each semester that begins by choosing renewable and available training programs in the field of technology and education taking advantage of all that is new in e-learning field and approved by the deanship Counsel to be submitted in a later stage to the rector for adoption and implementation.
Second contingency strategic plan:
In case an urgent need for a training program at one of our colleges, particularly in e-learning field such as the interactive smart board training program. During the implementation of the semester training plan the training unit reviews the college request in terms of training requirements and then it submits it to the Deanship for approval after that submits it to the Rector for application.
Training courses that are offered by the training center at the e-learning deanship:
Google documents applications in e-learning.
Culture of e-learning and its applications.
Instructional design applications through Photoshop.
How to design an e-test
Interactive lesson design using Courslab software.
Design learning organization via Articulate Presenters site.
Creating and controlling educational blogs.
Professional sharing of Files and projects e-delivery.
Tips to activate your academic email.
Smart phone applications in e-learning.

Training Centers
A few specialized training centers were established to improve the quality of business. Some of these include:
• Training center for the private sector.
• Control and Hesba Center.
• Leadership and Administrative Capabilities Development Center.
• Empowerment Center.
• Health Professional Development and Medical Coding Center
• Educational Vocational Training Center.
Training Programs
Training programs are provided in wide-range of fields such as:
Ceremonies and protocols
Security and safety
cyber security
Strategic Planning
Higher Management
Performance indicators
Other programs