News Archive

On Tuesday 21/2/1440 H, at the Training Hall, the Counseling and Guidance Unit at Female Students Department, organized a program for female students entitled "Be Positive". Ms.

On Monday 20/2/1440 AH, the Department of Contemporary Islamic Studies held in cooperation with the Student Activities Unit a program entitled "This is my way".

The Training Unit, in cooperation with the Student Support Unit, held a workshop titled: "The Saudi Digital Library", on Monday, 20/2/1440 AL , at the Reception Hall. The course - presented by Dr.

The Department of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research organized a workshop entitled "Designing and Analyzing Electronic Questionnaires Using SPSS Program" on Thursday 9/2/1444 at lab 7-2.

On Monday 6/2/1440 AH. Dr. Saadia Ali Al-Kabir presented a lecture focused on highlighting the concept of dutifulness to parents, and situations from the pious followers about dutifulness to parents.

A two-day activity was held by the Student Activities Unit on the occasion of the Teacher's International Day. The first day was held at the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair and the second day at the Quraan Memorization Organization in Hawtat Sudair.

An activity entitled "Smile Day" was organized on Sunday, 12/2/1440 AH, in the hall of the college, under the supervision of Ms. Jamila Al-Mutairi in the Department of Computer- female campus- in cooperation with the Student Activity Unit.

On Thursday, 9/2/1440 AH, the Student Activities Unit held a lecture entitled "Lessons from Riyad Al Salheen - Love for the sake of God", presented by Ms. Badriya Bint Munir Al-Otaibi.

The Vice-Dean’s Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research held a workshop on Monday entitled : “Steps of Publishing in ISI Journals" in the Honors Hall.

On Monday, 13/2/1440 H, Dr. Jamal Halawa presented a course entitled "How to Create a Project". The course which was offered under the patronage of Unit of Graduates Affairs explained the concept, size and type of project.

On Monday, 13/14/1440 AH, the Community Service Unit in female campus held in cooperation with the Islamic Studies Department a workshop on " Essentials of Religious Duties and Inheritance Laws " at the training hall. The workshop, which was presented by both Dr. Maryam Ali Jumaah and Dr.

Supported by the Deanship of Community Services and Continuing Education, The Unit of Community Service (female campus), held in collaboration with Shifa Health Center in Hawtat Sudair an educational program titled : “Vitamins Deficiency and their Relationship with Diseases” The program took plac

On Wednesday, 16/1/1440 AH, Dr. Noura bint Shaker Al-Shihri, vice-dean (female campus), had a meeting with the students at the Honorary Hall and encouraged them to pursue their success.

In collaboration with the Intellectual Awareness Unit, The Unit of Community Service (female campus) held a lecture entitled: « Creed »

A four-day health exhibition was launched at the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair in the presence of the Director of Hawtat Sudair Center, Mr. Fahad Al-Zakri, Dean of CSH, Dr. Tariq Al-Bahlal, vice-deans and a number of state sectors’ directors.

Dr. Khalid Al-Mugren, MU Rector, paid a visit to the College of Science and Humanities (CSH) in Hawtat Sudair where he was welcomed by the Dean, Dr. Tariq Al-Bahlal and vice-deans. The Rector’s visit is part of a series of visits to many colleges and departments with the aim of examining the…

The Student Guidance Unit held a workshop entitled: "How do you motivate yourself to study?” which was presented by Dr. Saadia Al-Kabir on Tuesday in the training Hall.

Dr. Nora bint Shaker Al-Shehri, Vice Dean at female campus, welcomed in her office a delegation of members from the General Department for Development in Majmaah, on Wednesday in the presence of the College Vice Dean Assistant for Quality and Development Ms. Benah Al-Subaie.

A visit to the Charitable Association in Ushayrat Sudair was organized on Sunday by the Department of Community Service -female campus- for a number of staff and students.

A workshop entitled "Leadership Skills" was conducted on Wednesdayat the Honorary Hall by the Department of Mathematics.