ًWorkshop Entitled: (Scientific Research Skills)

ًWorkshop Entitled: (Scientific Research Skills) In cooperation with the Unit of Training and Public Relations, the Student Support Unit held a workshop entitled ( Scientific Research Skills) on Monday 21\2\1438 AH at room 2\24 as part of the Unit's activity plan. Dr. Abdulaziz Alhamdan presented the workshop and discussed the following topics: 1- the Importance of scientific research. 2- Characteristics of successful searcher. 3- general considerations on writing researches. 4- steps of writing a research (Choosing the research problem, skimming texts, drafting the research hypothesis, writing the research proposal, and collecting and analyzing data). Afterwards, the topics were opened for discussion, and Dr. Abdulaziz Alhamdan listened to the opinions and answered all the students' questions.

Last modified
Tuesday, 23/May/2017