Astronomical Observatory Receives Amateur Astronomy

The Astronomical Observatory received a delegation of amateur astronomy on Tuesday, 09/07/1436 AH. at 6:30 pm. Mr. Abdullah Aba Hussien, the director of the Astronomical Observatory; and Mr. Ahmad Al-Ghaiyama, the director of Public Relations; in addition to the Observatory experts received the delegation. The delegation visited the Astronomical Exhibition and listened to Dr. Sabri Ali and Mr. Abdullah Al-Khediri explaining the working mechanisms and functions of the astronomical telescopes, the solar system, and the phases of the Moon, nebulae and galaxies. Moreover, the delegation went to the Planetarium where they watched the motion of the stars and the distribution of star groups. After that, the observatory experts explained the planets and stellar groups in the Observatory sky inside the planetarium to the visitors who expressed admiration for the Observatory and thanked everyone for the warm welcome and hospitality.

Last modified
Monday, 12/October/2015