Astronomical Observatory Receives Delegation of Graduate Students from King Saud University

The Astronomical Observatory received a delegation of graduate students from King Saud University on Friday, 13/03/2015. The delegation was welcomed by the Director of the Observatory Professor Abdullah Abu Hussein and the Public Relations Director, Mr. Ahmed Al Gheiama along with experts from the Observatory. The tour inside the observatory began by visiting the astronomical exhibition. Dr. Sabri Ali and Mr. Abdullah Al Khudhairi explained to the delegations the telescopes, the solar system, the phases of the moon, the nebulae and the galaxies. The delegation visited then the planetarium where Prof. Dr. Magdy Youssef showed the students the movement of stars and the distribution of constellations. Subsequently, students watched the planets and stellar groups in the planetarium. At the end of the visit, students expressed their admiration for the Astronomical Observatory and thanked everyone for the warm reception and hospitality they had received


Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020