Astronomical Observatory Receives Delegation from KSA School in Majmaah

Under the auspices of Mr. Muhammad Al-Twijri, the Astronomical Observatory received a delegation from KSA School in Majmaah on 07/08/136 AH. at 9:30 am. The delegation was received by Mr. Abdullah Aba Hussien, the Director of the Observatory; Mr. Ahmad Al-Ghaiyama, the Director of Public Relations as well as the employees at the observatory. At the beginning, the visitors were welcomed. Then, the tour began inside the Observatory Exhibition. Dr. Sabri Ali explained the four parts of the exhibition: Telescopes and their usage, the Solar System with all its different physical and mechanical features, and the various types of nebulae and galaxies. After that, the observatory expert, Mr. Abdullah Al-Khudairi, explained what is meant by the apparent and real motion of the Moon; this was followed by illustrating the phases of the lunar month and the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses. In addition, the students visited the Planetarium where Dr. Majdi Yousef gave an introduction of the planetarium and its uses. Then, a detailed explanation was made about the motion of the stars, the planets, the Moon and the Sun, along with the distribution of constellations in the sky. At the end of the visit, the visitors expressed their admiration for the observatory and thanked everyone for the warm reception and hospitality.

Last modified
Monday, 12/October/2015