Blood Donation Campaign

A blood donation campaign was launched On Tuesday 26/02/1437 by the blood bank in Hawtet Sedeir Hospital in collaboration with the Units of Community Service and Public Relations at the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtet Sedeir. Dr. Tarik Suleiman Al-Bahlal – Dean of the College- was among the first blood donors. He donated his blood in the mobile blood donation vehicle marking the beginning of the campaign and urging the College staff members, faculty and students to participate in the campaign which is primairly concerned with supporting sick people and activating the role played by the College in supporting the community services. The Band of Artists in the Neighborhood Club in Hawtet Sedeir has also participated in the Campaign with a painting of King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz- God Bless Him- while donating blood in support of this humanitarian campaign. The Band has also designed the Campaign logo in a creative manner. Mr. Khalid Al-Ghayama – Director of the Departments of Laboratory and Blood Bank at the Hospital- expressed his appreciation to the College Dean and all blood donors for their humanitarian contribution. Further, Mr. Ghayma handed the Dean a report of the Blood Donation Campaigns conducted by the hospital last year. The Campaign, which is part of the activities of the Unit of Community Service and Continuing Education, lasted for two days, and the number of blood donors was astounding. There were blood donors of the staff, students and faculty.

Last modified
Sunday, 20/March/2016