Closing ceremony of the academic year activities 1434/1345 AH

Closing ceremony of the academic year activities 1434/1345 AH The Students Activities Unit held the concluding ceremony of the academic year activities 1434/1435, on Thursday 1434/1435 in the college courtyard. It included the following parts: the reception of the attendee with welcoming chants- the ceremony began with verses from the Holy Quran- the word of the Students Activity’s Secretary, Professor Haya Al-Sbiei. After that, Dr, Olfat Seidiya delivered a speech about the closure of the holy Quran memorization sections in the college mosque. In her speech, Dr Olfat thanked the female student, and she presented two examples from the female students in the reading circle. Hence, the ceremony was concluded by honoring all the participating departments, the initiative owners in the activity, and the excellent female students in the activity


Last modified
Tuesday, 13/May/2014