An open meeting was organized by the Student Support Unit and the College Advisory Council between the college department members and the students with Her Excellency the Vice Dean of the College, Dr. Nora Bent Shaker Al Shahri. The meeting began with a speech delivered by Dr. Zainab Abbas Ja’far, the Coordinator of the Student Support Unit and a lecturer in the Department of Education and Psychology. Next was a speech delivered by Dr. Sana’ Mohammad Hassan, the head of the Advisory Council and a lecturer at the Department of Education and Psychology; she stressed the importance of knowledge and urged the students to exert their efforts towards increasing their academic achievements. In addition, every department coordinator and supervisor delivered a speech, prompting the students to contact the department should they encountered any problem during their academic progression. In the end, Her Excellency the Vice Dean of the College concluded the meeting by thanking and praising Allah the Almighty; then, she expressed her thanks to all departments’ coordinators and supervisors for their efforts in communicating with all students; she also thanked the Student Support Unit and the College Advisory Council as well. Dr. Al Shahri, in addition, explained that the main purpose behind these meetings is to establish communication between the administration and the students in order to identify and solve their problems. Furthermore, she stressed that she will be always available for any student that comes knocking with an academic problem, and will do her best to resolve all problems in every possible way

Last modified
Monday, 06/April/2015