Deanship of Community Service visits the College

On Monday, the Vice-Dean of Deanship of Community Service and Continues Education, Dr. Adel Al-Turki, accompanied by a representative of the deanship, Dr. Adel Al-Olayan, paid a visit to the college. The delegation was welcomed by the Dean, Dr. Tariq Al-Bahlal and the Vice-Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Hajed Al-Otaibi and member of community service unit: Dr. Ja’afer Al-Shareef and Mr. Abdelmohsen Al-Brahim. The rules and regulations and models linked up to social volunteer initiatives provided to local community were discussed during the visit. The visit is part of a series of visits planed by the deanship of community service to colleges for mutual cooperation.



Last modified
Wednesday, 29/January/2020