Effective Presentation Skills

In cooperation with the Department of Mathematics and the Training Unit, the Student Activities Unit at the Faculty of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair held on Wednesday, 15.1.1437 AH a training session for students and faculty members titled "Effective Presentation Skills", in the Presence Hall. The session was given by Dr. Alaa Merwad and Dr. Ahmed Abdel Sattar Al-Jaber. Dr. Mahmoud Hassan, the department supervisor, started the session, where he talked about the importance of such a session for students and faculty members, alike. Then, Dr. Alaa Merwad clarified the components of the session: the objectives, the basic concepts, the importance of presentation skills, the guidelines to a successful presentation as well as the guidelines to a successful show. At the end, some questions were raised by the attendees and were fully discussed answered.


Last modified
Tuesday, 01/December/2015