The First Meeting with the Departments’ Representatives and Al-Jawala Committee

The committee of students’ activities held its first meeting with the departments’ representatives and Al-Jawala Committee, on Sunday 8th February 2015, in the Honoring Hall. The meeting was attended by his Excellency the college’s vice dean of Students’ Affairs, Dr. Adel Al-Elian, and Professor Hussein Al-Batayna, Professor Salim Abdulhadi, and Professor Ahmad Al-Nawafla, in addition to a group of students from the college. The executive plan for the students’ activities in the college was displayed, in addition to identifying the quality, the objectives and the dates of the events that will take place during the second semester, and as a result of the meeting the following: first, assigning two students to watch the facilities belonging to the college (the cafeteria and the students’ service center). Second, defining the roles that are related to the follow-up of the daily provided services to students. Third, preparing weekly reports to always provide the best according to the required quality standards in the college. Additionally, the students discussed the events and activities each separately, and expressed their admiration and interest in participating in all events. Afterwards, Dr. Munir Abu Shawer clarified the importance of participating in the events of The Seventh Scientific Conference, and of starting the registrations in the college’s Agency of Students’ Affairs in any activity that is appropriate to the capabilities and tendencies of students. At the end of the meeting, they listened to the attendants’ questions, and discussed some of the remarks and participations

Last modified
Wednesday, 04/March/2015