A Full Report of the Academic Guidance Week at the Female Departments, the College of Science and Humanities in Hotat Sdeer

The program of Academic Guidance Week was concluded last Thursday under the title of (Your Success is the Success of the Nation), which extended from Sunday 11/22/1436 H until Thursday, 26/11/1436 AH, with the participation of all departments and the following is a summary of all the activities of the program:

• The Department of Islamic Studies: The Islamic Studies Department set up a special program for this week where the anticipated goals of this week were determined, including helping the students and increase their awareness of their academic responsibilities, identifying the problems that hinder their academic attainment, providing the students with the various academic skills and discuss their academic ambitions. Moreover, the department commenced the first of its programs with an orientation about (Academic guidance) delivered by Dr. Zainab Mokhtar in the college theater, where she has presented a presentation dealt with the definition, objectives and tasks of academic guidance, as well as the duties of the Guidance General Coordinator inside the department and the responsibilities of each group counselor and the difficulties faced by female students. Then, Dr. Wafaa Hosni gave a training course during the meeting entitled (Problems and Solutions for the Study Plan ) tackled the following points with explanation and illustration : getting the students acquainted with the courses, to differentiate between optional, compulsory and education major courses, then she listed the courses of each level of the eight levels. Also she pointed out the students problems when choosing higher courses, as well as the failure to complete the course load (18) credit hours. The number of attendees reached (86) student. On Tuesday, both Dr. Dalia Al-Sadeq and Ms. Hajar Ekor provided a review of the mental map of the Islamic Studies department plan, where a banner was designed showing the mental map of the department plan, containing the most important information that the students should know to have clearer picture in their minds, and the banner has included the following points: the study plan consist of "144" credit hours, a clarification of maximum and minimum numbers of hours, number of study years, number of study unit hours, a clarification of some academic instructions, reasons behind graduation delay, and the courses of the study plan. After that, Dr. Sadia Al-Kabeer delivered a (D2L) workshop entitled (How to Activate the Components of the E-Learning Course) and this workshop aims to clarify the concept of e-learning and simplify it to the female students as well as encourage them to put into effect the system tools. At the end, bags contain the workshop contents were distributed on the guests who they were (62) students and the workshop was evaluated by them via questioners. Earlier on Thursday, the department held a lecture entitled (The Experience of a Graduate Female Student) where some of the graduate students shared their experience during their study duration at the college. The department concluded the day with an agreement to corporate with the Department of Educational Studies that expressed readiness to organize a workshop about (Study Difficulties) that was delivered by Dr. Nabila Jaraidah where week students in the department were listed the students who scored A GPA below 2.5 and they were (34) students..

• The Department of Business Administration: The Department of Business Administration held a workshop about the concept, topics and importance of academic guidance and delivered by Dr. Sumiah Abduljabar in which the concept, topics and importance of academic guidance were clarified. Then, the names of the students were announced for each academic guide responsible for them and the students were given a chance to express their opinions about how to put academic guidance into effect in the Business Administration Department and they were (132) female students. Also, Dr. Arafa Jebreel delivered a training course under the title of (How to Overcome Exams Anxiety) where she tackled upon clarification of what is exams anxiety and its solution and cure as well as the characteristics of a successful student. The attendees of the training course were (58) female students. After that, Dr. Nahed Othman delivered a lecture on (Time Management) that was attended by (59) females students.

• The Department of Educational Studies: The Department of Educational Studies has cooperated with the Department of Business Management where Dr. Nemat Qasem a training course on (The causes of Academic Excel and Flounder) that was attended by (143) female students. At the end of the Academic Guidance Week, Dr. Zainab Abbas delivered a training course under the title of (Students Program) where she made it clear that it will provide enriching opportunities for the talented and excellent students in a particular field tacking into consideration their interests and abilities allowing them to obtain specialized academic and practical experiences through communicating with specialized experts that academic and research institutions are filled with them. Furthermore, she spoke about the importance and the aims of this program as well as the targeted audience where she clarified the mechanism of communicating between the expert and the talented person for the project of the work title (Productivity) and the levels of the program which extends for four consecutive levels divided on four years where the student goes gradually interim through them and it is worth mentioning that the theater was crowded with audience.

• The Department of Computer Science: In the frame work of putting into effect the week of academic guidance at the female students departments, the Department of Computer Science has presented its program on the first day under the title of (The Academic Guidance Is Your Gateway to a Successful Academic Year) on Sunday 20/11/1436 H. the program that was attended by more than 95% of the department’s students included a speech for given by the director of the department Dr. Iman Mustafa in which she reviewed the services provided by the department in the light of the college management guidance to the female students according to the roles and regulations. After that, a speech was given by the coordinator of the department in which she reviewed some of the instructions that will help the students to have a successful academic year start if Allah is welling. Also, each student has been introduced to her academic guide who has been linked to on the e-system. Finally, Ms. Sara Al-Rwashed delivered a workshop on learning management system (d2l) in which she clarified with a detailed explanation how the students should deal with this system. The students interacted with program segments that took place at the college’s theater that was ended on a promise of another meeting the next day.

• The Department of Chemistry: The academic guidance week started on Sunday 22/11/1436 H, by setting up a comprehensive academic guidance plan for the department to be implemented in the current semester and distribute it among all the academic guides at the department to benefit from it in the guidance program this semester. Some of the steps in that plan are, to reassign the students to the academic guides equally and announce this distribution to the students and the academic guides on the department’s billboard. On the next day 23/11/1436 H, the students GPAs were listed along with the excellent and weak students. Consequently, individual meetings with the weak student were carried out to have an idea about the reasons behind their flounder and finding solutions. On the third day of the academic guidance week, group sessions, workshops and orientations were held with the participation of all the faculty members of the department where Dr. Shatheliah Mahmood the Coordinator of the Academic Guidance at the department gave a speech about the student role in the process of academic guidance. Also, Dr. Mariam Al-Azz the coordinator of plans at the department gave a speech about the study plan and the importance of adding courses by the students according to the arrangement of the study plan. Moreover, Ms. Eqbal Sedeeq the coordinator of students’ activities at the department talked about students’ attendance and absence and the importance of students attending all courses practical and theoretical. After that, Dr. Manahel Babaker Al-Ameen the Coordinator of Quality Assurance at the department delivered a visual presentation about the student role in the efficiency of the academic process in the department followed by a speech for Dr. Abeer Hamdi the Coordinator of Schedules at the department about the importance of deciding upon virtual schedules with help of the academic guide where going by them is a must to help solving the courses time conflicts that face the students. Consequently, Ms. Alwia Mohamad Ali the Coordinator of E-learning at the department spoke about how to calculate the GPA and the quarterly average and the requirements of obtaining an academic degree with honors. Then, Ms. Ohood Al-Turky the Department Coordinator spoke about the importance of students’ participation in the department’s and college’s activities. At the last day of the academic guidance week, the participant students, the faculty members, the lab technicians and the department secretary were honored by Ms. Ohood Al-Turky the Department Coordinator as well as delivering a comprehensive presentation about the process of academic guidance by Ms. Manal Babaker the Coordinator of Academic research and Data Statistics at the department.

• The Department of Mathematics: A workshop and a visual presentation was delivered to the faculty members as a reminder of the importance of academic guidance in developing the process of learning by the Unit of Academic Guidance at the department, beside sending the presentation via e-mails to the faculty members to present it to the students. Also, a questionnaire was developed to identify the obstacles faced the faculty members in carrying out the academic guidance work last year along with the suggestions for the current year where points of view will be submitted to the Unit of Academic Guidance at the college. Moreover, A power point presentation was displayed on Mathematics Departments screen that includes a welcome note for the students and an invitation to head toward the department to meet with the academic guides. After that, a gathering meeting was held between all the students and the Academic Guidance Coordinator at the department to study the students’ individual cases. Consequently, the students whose academic loads exceed the maximum level of the credit hours were listed and they were asked to sign a covenant that they are not bounded by the study plan and they bear full responsibility of what follows that and that the academic guide is not responsible for it. Additionally, the department’s study plan was introduced to the students to have an idea about the taken courses and the remaining ones as well as they were presented by a summary of the course description of the courses they are taking this semester and they signed on that. Furthermore, a work shop was delivered to the students as a reminder of the importance of academic guidance in improving the learning process and reviewing some implementation rules for study system at Al-Majmaah University, and the students were asked take a survey about the difficulties the faced in dealing with academic guidance last year and the suggestions for the current year to submit their point of views to the Unit of Academic Guidance at the college. At the same time, all students’ academic files were distributed among the guides to examine the study plan for each student and do what is required to complete the content of the files where the students were distributed among their guides manually at first to be distributed automatically again at a later time then, and guides were directed to hold privet meetings with the students. On the other hand, a data base for the students and the faculty members was created that includes the phone numbers and e-mail addresses to make communicating via the latest communication means easier, as well as preparing specialized forms for academic guidance at Mathematics Department by the Unit of Academic Guidance at the college.

• English language Department: The measurements that were taken by the English Language Department to put into effect the academic guidance week were: 1. A meeting for the faculty members was held to agree upon activating the academic guidance week. 2. All the students were assigned to their academic guides except the Indian faculty members, the linking all the students to their guides on the academic system portal so that every guide could observe her students on the system and know the status of each student and send SMSs for her regarding her absence and her academic status at any time she wants. This demands that all the students’ files should be softcopies. Also, the first meeting on academic guidance was held for the freshmen on Monday 23/11/1436 H in which most of the aspects of the academic system at the college were clarified and handing some papers to the students that contain answers for FAQs about the academic system and their university lives. Also, an appointment for the next academic guidance meeting with the students was determined and part of the lectures was allocated for all the members for presenting the most important aspects of the academic guidance to the students of the department. Additionally, meetings with the senior students and the guides were held to ask them to complete their files paper work and messages were sent to them via the academic website to ask them to attend the rest of the private meetings. Finally, the students were provided by instructional booklets made available for them in the corridors of the college beside the department.

Last modified
Tuesday, 13/October/2015