Under the auspices of HE Dr. Norah Shaker Al-Shahri, vice-dean of the female section of the College of Sciences and Humanities in Hotat Sudir, an introductory meeting with new students was held on Tuesday 15/11/1436 H. at 9:00 am. in the college theatre. The meeting started with recitations from the holy Quran, followed by a welcome speech by Dr. Shahri who urged students to work hard in developing their skills and furthering their talents as well as selecting good friends to help them obey Allah, the almighty and excel in their academic life. Dr. Shahri prayed for the new students to be awarded ultimate success in their academic life, careers as well as afterlife. Study plans revisions, credits, academic counseling, and considerations of course additions and dropping were then explained by Ms. Madawi Al-Hussien, the College vice-dean for Academic Affairs. The floor was then given to the coordinator of the Student Support and Academic Counseling Unit Ms. Zeinab Jaafar who welcomed new students and urged them to pursue knowledge and respect professors so that they can assist them in their study and academic counseling. Ms. Hayat AL-Khair the faculty member delivered after that an awareness program entitled “on the road to paradise”. The meeting was concluded with a training session on creativity and success in academic life animated by D. Arafa Jibril Abu Naseeb.

Last modified
Sunday, 11/October/2015