The Quality Assurance Unit has established a training course entitled “Quality Assurance Management” delivered by Dr. Manehil Babacar, the coordinator of the College’s deanship for Quality and Development, in the female departments on Sunday and Monday, 9 - 10/01/1436 AH in the college theater. This course targeted the College Faculty members and administrators. On the first day, the course lasted from 9 am until 13 pm and from 9 am until 11:00 am on the second day. Dr. Manehil provided the audience with facts and information on Quality Assurance Management. Files about “Requirements of Quality Assurance and Evaluation", in addition to “The Training Activities Guideline of the workshop” were distributed. At the end of the session, everyone thanked Doctor Manehil for enriching the course content with constructive discussions in which the trainees were engaged.
Quality Assurance Management
Last modified
Thursday, 27/November/2014