Reciprocal Visit Between Unit of Excellence and Student Support Unit at Zulfi College of Education

  1. Zulfi College of Education and Hotat Sudair College of Science and Humanities held on Tuesday 21/05/1437 AH, the first reciprocal visit as part of the Twinning Program for the academic year 1436AH/1437 AH, in Zulfi College of Education Meetings Hall. The meeting was attended by both the College Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs, Ms Lulua bint Abdulhadi Duweish, and the College Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, Ms. Mona Fawzan. The meeting was inaugurated with a welcoming speech delivered by the Vice-Dean for Educational Affairs, in which she welcomed the delegation from Hotat Sudair College of Science and Humanities, represented by the Unit of Excellence coordinator, Dr. Zeinab bint Abbas Jaafar, the Student Support Unit assistant, Ms. Iqbal Sadiq, and the accompanying faculty members. She also stated that these visits bridge the academic levels of the units, and their purpose is to support mutual cooperation in academic work, as well as quality and accreditation of educational outputs.
Last modified
Tuesday, 30/August/2016