Thought on Training Courses

The Intellectual Awareness Unit in the female students departments held an awareness religious program under the title "Thought on Training Courses" on Sunday 26/3/1438 H at the faculty theater. The program was presented by Dr. Thurayya Al-Saif in the presence of the faculty staff, some members of Intellectual Awareness Centers in schools and Social Development officials. The program started with the recitation of the Holy Quraan, followed by a poem and a speech delivered by Dr. Nora S. Al-Shehri. Afterwards, the students viewed the ideological doctrines (Liberalism, Modernity, Secularism, Rationality and Racism). After that Dr. Thuryyaa AlSaif described the danger of the pagan doctrines on the Muslims doctrines, and clarified with examples and PowerPoint presentations. The program concluded with distributing appreciation certificates to the audience.

Last modified
Monday, 29/May/2017