A Workshop on “Your Thoughts Shape your Life”

The Student Support Unit, in cooperation with the Public Relations Unit at the College, organized on Monday a workshop entitled "Your Life is Your Thoughts"Presented by Dr. Jalal Al-Siddiq- Head of the Unit- the workshop addressed the importance of thoughts and their impact on the student's life on and outside campus. Dr. Jalal stated that happiness and worries come from the person’s thoughts, not from the outside world. Thought patterns, negative and positive, were also illustrated in the presentation. Positive thinking strategies were explained i.e.1. Belief in God. 2 - Clear and specific objectives. 3. Flexibility. 4- Problem solving. 5. Using positive language. 6. Positive relationships. At the end of the workshop, students' questions were answered.       

Last modified
Tuesday, 23/January/2018