Workshop on Sentence Types and Structure in English

  1. The student activities unit held in collaboration with the Training Unit in the college a training session entitled 'Sentence Types and Structure in English'. The training which took place on Thursday 15/6/1437 in the ceremonies hall was conducted by Mr. Ahmad Nimr Nawafla. The speaker dealt with the structure of the sentence in English, its components and structure manner. He focused on the main points and strategies of sentence construction in English in addition to sentence types which are : simple, compound and complex sentences. Mr. Nawafla explained that simple sentences have one subject and predicate and convey one idea or question. The compound sentence; however , is composed of two simple sentences that bear a relationship to each other but with independent meanings and are linked by a connector such as 'but,and ,or'. As for the complex sentence, the speaker explained that it's a sentence composed of more than one verb and made of a main and subordinate clauses. At the end of the training Mr. Nawafla gave the floor to students to ask questions and then answered them.
Last modified
Tuesday, 30/August/2016