“The Danger of Social Media on Modern Societies”

The Student Activity Unit in the female student departments organized on Monday a program under the theme "The danger of Social Media on Modern Societies".The program took place at the College Theater and lasted for three days. On the first day, the students gave a brief overview of the emergence of the modern means of communication, the pros and cons of modern technology with a video showing the danger of social media. After that, Ms. Badria Al-Otaibi, Coordinator of the Activity Unit at the College, gave her advice regarding the use of modern means of communication.The program also included informative as well as entertaining competitions.On the second day, the Computing Department organized a program that included the introduction of social networking programs, copyrights, and the pros and cons of modern means of communication, including the use of electronic devices to monitor children. Several entertaining and educational programs for children were conducted along with a few useful social media programs. A board was posted for writing useful accounts in various fields such as science, travel, and culture, where participants could add other accounts if they wanted. On the third day, the English Department gave a presentation of the advantages and disadvantages of the social media in English.At the end, the participants thanked the organizers of the program.      

Last modified
Sunday, 24/December/2017