Academic Counseling Week: 3rd Day Activities

Within the activities of the third day in the Academic Counseling Week, and with cooperation with the Public Relations Department, the Students Support Unit held a training course on the apprenticeship program for a number of faculty members selected from different departments. The course was made by Dr. Saif Mubarak on Tuesday, 17/11/1436 H. at the Presence Hall. Dr. Saif welcomed the audience and stated that developing talented students and promoting their talents through further communication with experts is the primary goal of the program. In addition, He pointed out that the mechanism of implementing the program includes assigning two faculty members to each field, signing a contract of apprenticeship with a faculty member, asking the different departments to nominate their distinct students for the program, developing a poster and text messages and distributing them to students to urge them on participation, holding nominations and qualifiers for participant students, and assigning 2-4 students will to each expert. Then, he talked about how to execute the program through training sessions, direct reviews, visits, panel discussions, documentaries, and interviews with experts. He also explained the mechanism of communication, stating that there will be a meeting every two weeks for an hour to discuss the developmental action plan for the outstanding student, follow up of the student’s progress regarding this plan, and keeping in contact via the various means of communication. At the end of the course, Dr. Saif presented the content of the program, saying that the course involves three stages in addition to the start, with the whole program taking a period of four months. The program also involves some meetings with MU Rector and Vice- Rector for Academic Affairs.


Last modified
Monday, 12/October/2015