Google Scholar

The English Language Department held on Tuesday 01/07/1437 AH. a training session on “Google Scholar”, in Cambridge Hall. The session, which targeted the students, was presented by Mr. Salim Abdul Hadi and Dr. Murad Shboul, who both illustrated the importance of Google Scholar in scientific research. A detailed explanation was also given on how this application helps researchers understand the role of articles in the field of science, and that academic articles can be a reliable source for researches that submit to strict academic revision and editing. Moreover, Mr. Abdul Hadi and Dr. Shboul explained how Google Scholar allows a user to search international libraries for articles by different categories: author name, publication year, publisher name, etc. After that, some features of the search engine were shown, including ‘citations’, ‘Related Articles’, and some other features that help in the documentation process. At the end of the session, the students were allowed to make some practice on Google Scholar with reference to their major.


Last modified
Tuesday, 01/December/2015