Impossibility of Seeing the Crescent of Ramadan

As part of the activities of the Astronomical Observatory in Majmaah University, represented by the Unit of Astronomy and Crescent Seeing, and based upon the call from the Supreme Court to all Muslims to watch the crescent of the blessed Ramadan for the year 1436 on Tuesday 29/8/1436, the observatory staff, headed by Abdullah Al-Khedeiri, watched the crescent. This activity is the first of its kind ever since the astronomical observatory has opened in Majmaah University at Hotat Sdair Center. It is worth mentioning that the crescent of Sha’aban was being watched on Monday 29/08/1436 AH at 16:11. On Tuesday 29/08/1436 AH, the Unit of Astronomical Observatory and Crescent Seeing tried to see the crescent; yet the weather was very dusty and cloudy. In fact, it was impossible as the Sun rose in the East for 14 minutes in an area covered with clouds and dust that blocked the sight. Obviously, around Asr time, the Moon was at Althurayya zone that is located to the south of the Sun for it was expected that the Moon was 4-6 degrees away from the Sun. Seeing the crescent was known to be through following the Sun as it was going down to the Western horizon in a sloping angle; it was impossible to see the sun due to the dust and clouds. Consequently, the crescent was not seen. However, they continued to watch it until it was expected to disappear. A group of people who are interested in seeing the crescent, who were also welcomed by the unit, joined the staff of the astronomical observatory; most of those who joined the staff have seen the crescent in the past and their testimonies were approved. The following are some pictures taken while watching the crescent.

Last modified
Monday, 12/October/2015