Learning Outcomes in Courses and University Programs

The Committee of Learning Outcomes in the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs in the College presented a workshop entitled “Learning Outcomes in University Courses and Programs” on Tuesday, 01/12/1436 H, in the presence of a number of the teaching staff members. At the beginning of the workshop, the Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al-Mubarak, talked about the Committee, its objectives and importance as well as how to get to the outcomes that can measure the objectives and requirements of the educational process. The workshop came in the context of the College’s preparation for the process of measurement and evaluation made to reach good learning outcomes that would measure the effectiveness of courses, stated Dr. Al-Mubarak. After that, Dr. Alaa Marwad, a specialist in educational science in the University, presented a detailed explanation of how the measurement and evaluation of learning outcomes is made. The workshop won the appreciation and the interaction of the teaching staff members.

Last modified
Sunday, 11/October/2015