Remarkable Astronomical Phenomena in the Holy Month of Ramadan

In a beautiful spectacle on Saturday evening, 20/06/2015, corresponding to the 3rd of Ramadan, the two planets - Venus and Jupiter- converged together and merged with the Moon to form a spectacular, triangular conjunction made by Allah the Almighty, the perfect Creator of everything. The planet Venus is the closest planet to Earth, and it is very similar to it in terms of size, mass and density. However, Venus is different from Earth in many aspects, such as its surface, atmosphere and orbital characteristics. Moreover, it rotates on its axis very slowly, taking a period of 225 solar days to complete one rotation; also, the clockwise rotation of Venus around its axis, unlike other planets, makes the Sun rise from the west there and sets down in the east. Thus, one day on Venus is very long, taking 117 Earth days, and a night, taking 108. Furthermore, Venus has similar phases to those of the Moon, and is considered to be the most beautiful planet in the Solar System; whereas Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System, the fifth farthest planet from the Sun, and the second farthest planet from the Earth's orbit. Jupiter takes 12 solar years to complete one revolution around the sun, and 10 hours to complete one rotation on its axis, which tends by 3 degrees, accounting for ( 3.7 minutes) from its equator. On the other hand, the Moon, the closest astronomical object to Earth and its only follower, is clearly visible from Earth, with the naked eye, and it's still one of our main foci. The Moon revolves around the Earth in an elliptic orbit with an average distance of (384,000 km) from Earth, and it has two phenomenal motions, which are visible from the Earth when observed: 1- the daily motion from East to West, just as the rest of the planets in the sky, the sun, and the stars, which is a result of the Earth's rotation on its axis day and night; 2- the monthly motion from West to East, which is slower than the first visible motion, and in this movement the Moon shifts towards the East by approximately 12.2 degrees till it reaches 180 degrees in the middle of the month, where it enters the full moon phase. Moreover, the Moon has 28 lunar mansions, which are inferred by the moon sites, and since there are 12 constellations in the sky, each constellation constitutes two and a third lunar mansions. Therefore, we find that the merger of the moon is slow, where it moves from west to east, as happened in the beautiful conjunction, where it took the form of a triangle with Venus and Jupiter in its Dschuba lunar mansion, and if we followed its movement on Saturday, 20/06/2015 corresponding to the 3rd of Ramadan, we would have found that it moves away by (5.79) degrees south from the center Venus, and if we followed its movement on Sunday, 21/06/2015 corresponding to the 4th of Ramadan, we would have seen that Jupiter move away by (4.65) degrees north from the center of the Moon. Furthermore, on 28/06/2015 corresponding to the 11th of Ramadan, the Moon is merged with the planet Saturn and at the same time Jupiter is merged in the west with Venus and Arcturus, which is after the meridian line, at approximately 8.30pm. Moreover, on Wednesday, 01/07/201 corresponding to the 14th of Ramadan, Jupiter moves away by (0.40) degrees north from the center of the planet Venus. In fact, these are the main astronomical phenomena in the holy month of Ramadan and Allah knows best.

Last modified
Monday, 12/October/2015