School Students Visit Chemistry Department of the College

On Thursday 14/05/1436, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs Ms. Maha Al Lifan and Student Activity Coordinator Iqbal Seddiq along with faculty members and administration staff received several level-two students from Hawtet Sediar School accompanied by three school supervisors at the Department of Chemistry of the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtet Sedair. The program of the visit commenced with a welcoming speech by the acting coordinator of the Department Dr. Shazlia Mahmoud, and then some faculty members gave short introductions to the vision, mission and achievements of the department. After that, the visitors explored the college laboratories and identified the equipment and tools inside these labs. In addition, the students observed some experiments shown by some faculty members. At the end of the visit, the school supervisors accompanying the students thanked the and praised the department personnel for their efforts, and for the illustrations they had provided to the visiting students earlier. Students liked the reception and showed their appreciation for the good hospitality of the college personnel as well

Last modified
Monday, 23/March/2015