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متابعة سير الاختبارات النهائية للفصل الصيفي للعام الجامعي 1443-1444هـ

The acting dean of the college, Dr. Omar Al-Omar and the vice dean for educational affairs, Dr. Yasser Al-Shabrami, conducted a tour of inspection to the college to follow the progress of final exams for the summer semester of the academic year 1443-1444 AH. 

They were briefed on the…

الكلية تستقبل أبنائها الطلاب في بداية العام الجامعي الجديد 1444هـ

On Sunday the college received students at the beginning of the new academic year 1444 under the supervision of the dean of the College, Dr. Omar Al-Omar who carried out an inspection tour and had a meeting with a group of students.

اللقاء الختامي لمنسوبات الكلية، وبرنامج ختام الأنشطة الطلابية

The vice-dean for student affairs, represented by the College Student Club, organized the “final meeting for the college’s staff and the program for closing activities of students” on Monday.

The event featured speeches by the vice-dean, Dr. Tahani Al-Zakri, and Ms. Badria Al-Otaibi.

حفل تخريج الدفعة الثالثة عشر لطالبات الكلية للعام الجامعي 1443هـ

In the presence of the vice-rector for student affairs, Dr. Jawaher Al-Omar, and under the auspices of the vice-dean for female students, Dr.

برنامج ثقافي بعنوان "الاكتشافات العلمية للعرب"

The Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, represented by the Club at the female campus, and in cooperation with the English Department, held on Monday a cultural program entitled "Scientific Discoveries for Arabs". 

برنامج ثقافي مجتمعي بعنوان "رفق"

Under the patronage of the vice-rector for female student affairs, Dr.

عميد الكلية المكلف يتفقد سير الاختبارات الإلكترونية

The Dean of the College, Dr. Omar Al-Omar conducted an inspection tour to to check the progress of mid-term  E-exams for online courses. 633 students will sit in the college’s computer labs to take the exams.

دورة تدريبية بعنوان "كيف تصمم سيرتك الذاتية"

The Alumni Unit at the Vice Dean for Student Affairs held a training course entitled "How to Write Your Resume", on Tuesday 08/26/1443 AH.

برنامج شرح آلية التسجيل بمنصة العمل التطوعي ومفهوم التطوع وطريقة استثمار الوقت فيه

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit at female campus held a program explaining the registration mechanism on the volunteer work platform, the concept of volunteering and the way to invest time in it.

ورشة عمل بعنوان "اتخاذ القرارات"

The Training Unit at the Vice-Dean's Office for Quality and Development conducted a workshop entitled "Decision-Making", on Thursday, 08/21/1443 AH.

مبادرة مجتمعية بعنوان "حساسية الغذاء عند الأطفال"

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit at female campus organized in cooperation with doctors from the Primary Health Care Center in Al-Nahda in Hawtat Sudair a community initiative entitled “Food Allergy in Children” on Monday.

دورة تدريبية بعنوان "المكتبة الرقمية السعودية"

The Vice-Dean's Office for Quality and Development, represented by the Training Unit, conducted a training course entitled "The Saudi Digital Library".

ورشة عمل بعنوان "استراتيجية التعلم القائم على المشاريع"

The Academic Plans and Programs Unit conducted workshop entitled “Project-Based Learning Strategy” on Wednesday.

The workshop was presented by Dr. Nahed Othman and Dr. Maryam Omar, and addressed the following topics:

1. The concept of project-based learning.

برنامج ثقافي رياضي بعنوان "اليوم العالمي للمشي"

The college club held a cultural and sports program entitled "The International Walking Day" on Wednesday 6/8/1443.

Screens were turned on, and awareness leaflets were distributed about walking. A corner was set up to give away various healthy foods.

The program aimed to:

ورشة عمل بعنوان " فن إدارة الأزمات"

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit conduct on Monday a workshop entitled "The Art of Crisis Management", at the Education Office in Hawtat Sudair.

محاضرة بعنوان "التعريف باختبار الايلتس (ماهيته وكيفية الاستعداد له)"

The English Language Department conducted a lecture entitled "Introducing the IELTS test on Monday at the Social Development Center in Rawdat Sudair.

محاضرة بعنوان " دور أعضاء هيئة التدريس في خدمة المجتمع المحلي"

The Community Service and Continuing Education Unit conducted a lecture entitled "The Role of Faculty Members in Local Community Service", on Wednesday.

The lecture was presented by Dr. Sheba Ali - from the English Department, and addressed the following topics:

برنامج الاحتفاء بيوم التأسيس

Under the patronage of the Vice Dean of the College, Dr. Tahani Al-Zakari, the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, represented by the College Club at female campus, organized a program to celebrate the founding of the first Saudi state. 

ورشة عمل بعنوان " إدارة المصادر والمراجع"

The Graduate Studies Unit at female campus conducted a workshop entitled "Managing sources and references", on Tuesday and Wednesday, 7/22/21-1443 AH. The workshop was presented by Dr. Fatima Hammad, and addressed the following topics:

Install Mendeley on your computer or mobile phone.

برنامج "أسبوع مشاريع التخرج"

The Graduate Studies Unit at female campus , in cooperation with the Alumni Committee at the Islamic Studies Department, organized the “Graduation Projects Week” program, from Sunday 12/7/1443 AH to Wednesday 15/7/1443 AH. The program featured workshops and remote discussions.