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The Astronomical Observatory receives a delegation from Scout Commission at Majmaah University on 4/08/1436 AH. at 6:00 pm. Mr. Abdullah Aba Hussien, the Director of the Observatory and Mr. Ahmad Al-Ghaiyama, Director of Public Relations received the delegation. The delegation visited the…

As part of the activities of the Astronomical Observatory in Majmaah University, represented by the Unit of Astronomy and Crescent Seeing, and based upon the call from the Supreme Court to all Muslims to watch the crescent of the blessed Ramadan for the year 1436 on Tuesday 29/8/1436, the…

Under the auspices of Mr. Muhammad Al-Twijri, the Astronomical Observatory received a delegation from KSA School in Majmaah on 07/08/136 AH. at 9:30 am. The delegation was received by Mr. Abdullah Aba Hussien, the Director of the Observatory; Mr.

The Astronomical Observatory received a delegation of amateur astronomy on Tuesday, 09/07/1436 AH. at 6:30 pm. Mr. Abdullah Aba Hussien, the director of the Astronomical Observatory; and Mr.

In a beautiful spectacle on Saturday evening, 20/06/2015, corresponding to the 3rd of Ramadan, the two planets - Venus and Jupiter- converged together and merged with the Moon to form a spectacular, triangular conjunction made by Allah the Almighty, the perfect Creator of everything.

Within the activities of the Astronomical Observatory at the Majmaah University represented by the Astronomical Observatory unit and the Crescent Seeing, specialists have been following the astronomical phenomenon known as the planetary conjunction between Venus and Jupiter since the beginning of

The final exams of the summer term for the academic year 1435-1436 AH. started at the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair on 25/10/1436 AH. Dr. Yusuf Al-Mahous, the academic affairs vice-dean, supervised these exams. We wish all the students success in their exams.

The College welcomed Sunday 01/11/1436 AH the return of its staff. The Unit of Public Relations at the College organized a special reception on the occasion attended by the College Dean, Dr. Tariq Suleiman Al-Bahlal, the vice-deans and other faculty members and employees. Dr.

The Student Assistance Unit of the Vice Deanship for Academic Affairs at the College of Science and Humanities in Houtat Sudir held in coordination with the Vice Deanship for Student Affairs and Public Relations a reception for the college freshmen. The event took place at 8 am.

The Unit of Public Relations at the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities organized a celebration welcoming its staff on Sunday 01/11/1436 AH. Vice-dean of Female Departments Dr. Nora Shaker Al-Shahri, Vice-dean of Student Affairs Ms.

In cooperation with the Unit of Student Support in the Faculty of Science and Human Studies in Hotat Sudair, the Unit of Student Affairs held a reception ceremony for the new students on Wednesday morning 14/11/1436 at 9:30, in the Faculty Theater.

In cooperation with the College of Public Relations, the Student Support Unit launched the Academic Advising Week program in the college on 11/15/1436 H., at 11:30 am.

The Student Support Unit, in coordination with the Public Relations Department at the College of Sciences and Humanities in Hotet Sudir, organized two training sessions as part of the activities of the second day of the Academic counseling week. Dr.

In cooperation with the Public Relations Unit in the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair, the Student Support Unit organized the activities of the Academic Counseling Week program under the name “Academic Counseling; Way to Excellence”.

Under the auspices of HE Dr. Norah Shaker Al-Shahri, vice-dean of the female section of the College of Sciences and Humanities in Hotat Sudir, an introductory meeting with new students was held on Tuesday 15/11/1436 H. at 9:00 am. in the college theatre.

Within the activities of the third day in the Academic Counseling Week, and with cooperation with the Public Relations Department, the Students Support Unit held a training course on the apprenticeship program for a number of faculty members selected from different departments.

A meeting with students on the list of Academic Advising in the English Department was held on Wednesday 18/11/1436 H. within the activities of the Academic Advising program. Students were called to the meeting via phone messages and the release of students’ names lists.

The Quality Center at the Female Sections held on Monday, 23/11/1436 H. in the college theater a workshop on the assessment of the learning outcomes of academic programs at the College. Dr.

The Unit of Education Technology at the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtet Sedair held a training session for the faculty members on the use of D2L Education System on Tuesday 24/11/1436 H. in the Cambridge Hall at the College.

In coordination with the unit of student activities, the Department of Islamic Studies, the Department of Mathematics and the Unit of Academic Guidance and Advising jointly held the Pilgrim Diary program on Tuesday and Wednesday 24-25/11/1436 in the College Theater. Dr. Hayat Othman Mohammad…